时间:2023-01-07 13:40
一致校验方程通常被翻译为" parity-check equation"的意思,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到94个与一致校验方程相关的译文和例句。
2. Well, then i guess we all agree.
3. Keep it together, all right?
4. Match, match, three on a match. And that's bad luck, you know.
5. Take joint positions with your client.
6. Brings uniformity of manoeuvre
7. They should be all lined up.
8. anything to get the settlement down.
9. What does "Currahee" mean? We stand alone.
10. it's unanimous, he's not guilty. Wait.
11. Well, that's exactly what we can do for each other.
12. - Etymologically speaking?
13. it's in the same vicinity as my last grid.
14. Absolutely. - So, we're in agreement?
15. And the agreement was unanimous.
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