万用英语怎么说 万的英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 13:20

导读:万的英语是"  myriad",还可以翻译为by all means,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到44个与万相关的短语释义和例句。

万用英语怎么说 万的英语翻译

万的英语是"  myriad",还可以翻译为by all means,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到44个与万相关的短语释义和例句。

card MasterCard Worldwide Mby means ofterCard ( 万事达卡 )

万用英语怎么说 万的英语翻译

"Harmony at home brings prosperity." harmony in the family leads to success in everything Harmony b( 家和万事兴 )

Bandung Conference the Bandung Conference the Bendung Conference Bandung declaration ( 万隆会议 )

Jakarta-Bandung Railway Jakarta-Bandung railway ( 雅万铁路 )

Marlboro Marlboro Classics gcc ( 万宝路 )

1. Mr John Bacchus, a poor candidate in a state of darkness, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry.

万用英语怎么说 万的英语翻译

2. Five hundred. Five hundred thousand.

3. Crow offers twenty thousand

4. Now bidding at 500... $600,000.

6. Can we do 8,000 shares? MAN 2: Okay, 25,000.

7. - Lower to what? - Between 60000 and 90000.

万用英语怎么说 万的英语翻译

8. The baby penguins are saved!

9. 3 million, three hundred forty five...

译文:300万 345万... 600万 697万... 1200万...。

10. - Three hundred against three mil.

11. -A hundred and sixty grand? -A hundred and sixty grand?

万用英语怎么说 万的英语翻译

12. 110, 120,000, 130, 140, 150, 160,

译文:我给出的初始价位是12万英镑。 13万, 14万, 15万... ...。

13. 310,000 right here. 320,000.

14. Yeah, but if 1.2 costs two, how come four costs one?

15. 150 and 350, That takes us back up to 500,000.

