下文用英语怎么说 下文的英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 12:20

导读:下文的英语是"what follows in the passage paragraph article etc.",还可以翻译为  kudashibumi,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到70个与下文相关的短语释义和例句。

下文用英语怎么说 下文的英语翻译

下文的英语是"what follows in the passage paragraph article etc.",还可以翻译为  kudashibumi,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到70个与下文相关的短语释义和例句。

1. what follows in the passage paragraph article etc.

下文用英语怎么说 下文的英语翻译

下文翻译为what follows in the passage paragraph article etc.。

I would qualify that by putting it into context.

context switch process context switch ( 上下文交换 )

context menu Contextual Menu Context menu display ContextMenuStrip ( 上下文菜单 )

context switch process context switch ( 上下文切换 )

下文用英语怎么说 下文的英语翻译

context-sensitive language CSL ContextSensitiveLanguage CSL ( 上下文有关语言 计 )

Stochastic context-free grammar free grammar ( 随机上下文无关文法 计 )

execution context Execute context EXECUTE AS ( 执行上下文 )

1. You could tell him what to read.

2. Well, do you think you're part of some gay beat-up underworld?

下文用英语怎么说 下文的英语翻译

3. There is some more information on the bottom.

4. They show the word, but they don't show any context.

5. Listen to the following passage.

6. Diana Scott, hereinafter known as the Happiness Girl.

译文:Diana Scott... 在下文中称"Happiness Girl".。

下文用英语怎么说 下文的英语翻译

7. You can imagine what followed. Phone calls, phone calls, more phone calls.

8. i don't care. As long as i can convince you.

9. And there has been no result

10. We smile, we exchange culture.

11. What about the cheese, then?

12. And, they're going to put nuclear in its proper context.

13. '"oh, wise and beautiful child?" And then it all stops. Why? '

14. There will be more troubles coming.

15. Not no follow up, we already checked,

