
时间:2022-10-29 19:19




Tagore 's thought presents a kind of system, but to how it is a system of the problem remains to be further explored. This paper draws on Leslie Stevenson, the editor of the British Philosophy Quarterly, to summarize the thoughts of Tagore from the following four aspects: First, the general theory of the nature of the world and the human; And the meaning; Third, the analysis of the causes of human ills; Fourth, to correct the shortcomings of the theoretical guide to truth.

First, on the nature of the world and the general theory of people.

The system of Tagore's thought, which contains the basic view of the world, the view of man and the relationship between man and the world. The world as a whole, the whole is by the "Vatican" - also known as Tagore is God, infinite, eternal spirit, the world is the world, The eternal truth, the good, the one, the one he creates, the unity of all things in the Vatican. So, where do people come from? Tagore Although there is no clear that people are the creation of the Vatican, but we always feel that Tagore's mind belongs to the creation of the Vatican. Tagore's many discussions focus on the relationship between man and the Vatican, that is, "relationship between man and nature."

Tagore that people have a soul, it is the soul of the human body to maintain a mysterious relationship with the Vatican. But his "soul" concept is different from the religious superstition said after the death, there is a spiritual spirit out of the flesh, and roughly equivalent to the human spirit, mind, consciousness.

So what strength is the Vatican to command the people? Is through good!Tagore agrees with the prayer of Jesus in the Bible: "God, Father, thoroughly cleanse our sins, give us good!" Tagore believed that good is the gift of God and is the pure consciousness emitted by the Vatican Of light. The human soul is nurtured through goodness, and the good is the channel through which the soul connects with the Vatican. From the human point of view, the good sense in the human life have a more realistic understanding of that, that is, the entire field of life has a long-term vision, happy to achieve greater value and sacrifice their own time to know the good. Goodness is the truth and the truth, and great together.

Tagore for the soul of what is also fully discussed. Tagore quotes the Upanishads: "Knowing the One, the Soul, it is the bridge to eternal life," and says, "To discover this One is the ultimate goal of man, within man, It is the human truth, is his soul, is the key to open the door of the spiritual life of heaven. "The inner soul of man is" unity of knowledge, unity of love, the unity of the various purposes of the will; its highest enjoyment is permanentThe unity of infinity of the universe. "Tagore said that the soul of the calm, in order to direct, without any intermediary intuition that the highest" one ", through any reasoning and display are not reach. Tagore on the soul of the argument, and the Hindu philosophy, "I", "I" relationship is the same, the big I in the body, the individual in the body, met his own self, to know the big, big I was originally a personal.



Tagore is most eager to express the inner struggle of Goda experience, and ultimately to the religious philosophy of the "one", because the pursuit of harmony and unity is Tagore's highest ideals. )

Originally, in the blood, he and Hinduism without any contact, he has been burdened by the traditional burden is purely an illusory bubble. If the first two opportunities also make it difficult for him from the custom and individual in the complete liberation, and even into deeper doubts, contradictions and pain, then, this time the opportunity to make him completely free. He was finally able to face the truth with a frank heart, embracing the infinite self. "I've been trying my best to understand India for so long," he said, "but I have been trying to turn these obstacles into believers and work for this day and night. A flawless India, in order to put their faith completely preserved in her indestructible fortress, how hard I had to struggle! But today, my fantasy fortress, like a mirage, instantly disappeared without a shadow And after I was completely free, I suddenly found myself standing in the immense reality, and my heart felt all India's good and evil, bitterness and joy, wisdom and foolishness, and now I really have the right to her Service, because the real workplace has been demonstrated in front of me, this is not my fantasy out of it - this is 200 million Indian children seeking the real place of happiness.

At this point, Golas from small to large I character development process completely presented in front of the reader, the individual also ended. At this time, the reader's mind will emerge out of a selfless, committed to the unity of India, to build an independent, free, happy India selfless work of the perfect image. Completely free after the Gora, there is no spiritual world of caste, sects and ethnic groups, not even the boundaries of the country. His Irish descent made his work beyond the scope of the state, and had the meaning of internationalism. He fought not only the country, the nation, but the truth, justice and humanity. When he is free after the free state of mind, universal brahma to look at the world of human society, the natural world will not be tired of the bitter music, thus entering a love, sincerity, tolerance and music realm. This is the realm of the work of Anna Damai, Palmer.


