时间:2022-10-21 16:17
1. 争做爱粮,节粮的倡导者。
2. 爱粮节粮的具体措施。
注意:1. 参考词汇:厉行节俭,反对浪费 practice strict economy and combat waste 2. 字数:100词左右。
Dear friends,
I'm here to call on everyone to pay attention to the phenomenon of food waste. As President Xi advocates, it is supposed to be a new fashion for all Chinese people to practice strict economy and combat waste. We must bear it in mind that food is a precious resource on our planet and wasting food goes against the basic moral principles.
It's high time that we took action now. When we have dinner out in a restaurant, please remember to order appropriately, and try to eat up. It's recommended to promote food saving actions on social media. Launch some campaigns to remind customers about the portion size of the dishes.
So, don't hesitate to join us. Small actions make a big difference.
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