时间:2023-01-16 15:30
例句:And you'll see that it leads with a shifting star field, and there's an Aurora Borealis in the background, kind of morphing with color. The color of the Aurora Borealis can be controlled using this single bar of color at the bottom, and we'll put it down here to red.
翻译:你可以看到它有一个移动的星盘, 以极光为背景, 颜色变幻。北极光的颜色 可以由底部这个色彩控制条调整, 我们现在把它定为红色。 。
例句:And connecting to the Morphing grid.
例句:So i get the impression that some parts of the scientific establishment are morphing into a kind of priesthood.
翻译:所以我有种感觉 有些科学界机构 演变成了一种祭司制度 。
例句:Both are times when body morphing and hormone shifting lead to an upheaval in how a person feels emotionally and how they fit into the world.
翻译:两种情况都是由于身体改变 和激素变化同时作用所致, 这两种因素造在情绪感受 及如何融入生活方面发生剧变。 。
morphing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在voice morphing(语音转换)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. So i get the impression that some parts of the scientific establishment are morphing into a kind of priesthood.
翻译:所以我有种感觉 有些科学界机构 演变成了一种祭司制度 。
2. Both are times when body morphing and hormone shifting lead to an upheaval in how a person feels emotionally and how they fit into the world.
翻译:两种情况都是由于身体改变 和激素变化同时作用所致, 这两种因素造在情绪感受 及如何融入生活方面发生剧变。 。
3. The Morphing Grid is never wrong.
4. Think only of each other and the morphing grid will open to you.
翻译:互相想着对方 变身电网就会为你们打开。
5. And you'll see that it leads with a shifting star field, and there's an Aurora Borealis in the background, kind of morphing with color. The color of the Aurora Borealis can be controlled using this single bar of color at the bottom, and we'll put it down here to red.
翻译:你可以看到它有一个移动的星盘, 以极光为背景, 颜色变幻。北极光的颜色 可以由底部这个色彩控制条调整, 我们现在把它定为红色。。
6. You know, like an illusion. So it could all be the same chick morphing into different dream girls.
翻译:like an illusion. 变成不同的梦中女孩 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Morphing into different dream girls?。
7. You can easily connect to the morphing' grid.
8. So we've used pneumatic actuation to create a morphing device where you can go from something that looks a lot like a phone ...
翻译:我们使用气动装置创造了一个变体设备, 使用时可以把它弄成一个电话的形状, 。
9. Earth is morphing into a world most of us would recognize.
10. "Think only of each other and the morphing' grid will open to you".
翻译:想着队伍中的各位 变形电网就会为你们打开。
11. You're morphing into one of them!
翻译:-crowd wannabe?。
12. So i get the impression that some parts of the scientific establishment are morphing into a kind of priesthood.
翻译:所以我有种感觉 有些科学界机构 演变成了一种祭司制度。
13. it's constantly morphing and changing the world, like climate change.
翻译:它不断地改变世界, 好似气候变化。 。
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