时间:2023-01-16 15:30
例句:Mr. Shue, i want your babies!
翻译:舒先生 我要做你的小宝贝 Mr. Shue, I want your babies!。
例句:Mei-shue keeps pursuing her love bravely
例句:i asked Mei-shue to put a Trojan horse in your cell phone
例句:Mr. Shue that there's been a new addition to the Britney Spears Facebook campaign.
翻译:小舒先生布兰妮・斯皮尔斯的"非死不可"专页 Mr. Shue that there's been a new addition 支持者阵营又壮大了 to the Britney Spears Facebook campaign.。
shue一般作为名词使用,如在Tseng Lan Shue([地名] 井栏树 (香港))、veratrum shueshanarum(雪山黎芦)、Yung Shue Wan([地名] 榕树湾 (香港))等常见短语中出现较多。
1. i asked Mei-shue to put a Trojan horse in your cell phone
2. Mr. Shue that there's been a new addition to the Britney Spears Facebook campaign.
翻译:小舒先生布兰妮・斯皮尔斯的"非死不可"专页 Mr. Shue that there's been a new addition 支持者阵营又壮大了 to the Britney Spears Facebook campaign.。
3. Ah-shue, your uncle Wen-ching has been arrested.
翻译:阿雪,四叔被捉走了 抓去哪,到现在还不知道。
4. Ah-shue, where are your parents?
5. There was a letter from Ah-shue.
翻译:行李里面有一封阿雪的信 文清被抓走了。
6. Mei-shue please go out with me!
翻译:学姊 请你跟我交往吧。
7. Everybody knows, in Yau Ma Tei, the whole street from Yung Shue Tau to Fruit Market is totally mine.
翻译:所有人都知道油麻地 榕树头到果栏 这一路扫过去都是我的地盘。
8. This is my new roommate, Mei-shue
翻译:这是我新室友 美雪。
9. Mr. Shue, let me be your Britney!
翻译:舒先生 我要做你的小甜甜 Mr.。
10. This is my new roommate, Chen Mei-shue
翻译:这是我新室友 陈美雪。
11. i'm your new roommate, Chen Mei-shue
12. But, Mr. Shue, we kind of grew of up with her.
翻译:但是 舒先生 我们听她的歌长大的 But, Mr. Shue, we kind of grew of up with her.。
13. Mei-shue, i've come to a conclusion!
翻译:美雪 我有结论了。
14. Mr. Shue, you're letting your own personal issues get in the way of something that we are all telling you we really want to do.
翻译:舒先生 你这是让你的个人喜好 Mr. Shue, you're letting your own personal issues 阻碍我们做一件 get in the way of something that。