时间:2023-01-16 15:20
例句:instead, i stand here a proud graduate of Middlebury College.
翻译:而如今我已经是一名自豪的明德学院的毕业生 。
例句:(Applause) When i returned to Afghanistan, my grandfather, the one exiled from his home for daring to educate his daughters, was among the first to congratulate me.
翻译:(掌声)(明德学院(Middlebury College)是全的文理学院之一,位于佛蒙特州明德镇, xx年在全文理学院中排名第五) 当我回到阿富汗时,我的祖父, 那位因让女儿接受教育而被逐出家门的老人, 最先向我表示了祝贺。 。
例句:Middlebury, Vermont. Right.
middlebury一般作为名词使用,如在East Middlebury([地名] 东米德尔伯里 ( 美 ))、Middlebury College([网络] 明德学院;米德尔伯里学院;米德伯理学院)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Middlebury, Vermont. Right.
2. Middlebury College, 1969, the year of walking on the moon "Yellow Submarine" and Woodstock.
翻译:1 xx年,米杜伯里大学 人类登陆月球的xx年 "潜艇"和胡土托音乐会。
3. Straight "A"s at Middlebury's Language Camp, can't sneeze at that.
翻译:米朵园语言夏令营的满分成绩 令人刮目相看。
4. Right, but the ViN number says it was your car, Mr. Middlebury, and there was a dead body in it.
翻译:没错 但汽车识别码上显示那是你的车 Middlebury先生 而且里面还有一具死尸。
5. Yes, i married them July 19th, 1931, over in Middlebury.
翻译:是的, 我为他们主持的婚礼 xx年xx月19号,在米德尔伯里。
6. The local operator has been in Middlebury for five years and knows no one by the name of Judge Hacker.
翻译:那个话务员来米德尔伯里xx年了 没听说过任何名叫的法官。
7. The Middlebury operator has no listing for anyone by that name.
翻译:米德尔伯里的话务员说 没有叫那个名字的号码。
8. Judge, you said you married them in Middlebury,
翻译:法官, 你刚说是在米德尔伯里主持的婚礼。
9. Judge Hacker married them in Middlebury, Connecticut.
翻译:法官为他们主持的婚礼, 在康涅狄格州的米德尔伯里。
10. A telephone number in Middlebury, Connecticut.
11. Middlebury's a small town.
翻译:米德尔伯里是个小镇, 你能不能问一下接线员。