时间:2023-01-16 15:10
例句:Back home, a bath is nothing more than a quick shower on cold tile with a bar of lye soap, right?
翻译:人只能拿肥皂 洗战斗澡。
例句:Well, is it possible at one time that you were made of stone wood, lye, varied corpse parts or earth made holy by rabbinical elders?
翻译:可能曾经有一段日子 你是石头 木头、尸块做的 或是犹太长老拿泥土捏的?。
例句:i used the lye to bury our dog last year.
例句:See, i've got these bottles of lye here.
翻译:看 我这有这么多瓶碱液。
lye一般作为名词使用,如在dip lye([化] 浸渍; 浸碱(制粘胶丝))、exhausted lye([化] 废碱液)、Mount Lyell([地名] 芒特莱尔 ( 澳 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
1. i used the lye to bury our dog last year.
2. See, i've got these bottles of lye here.
翻译:看 我这有这么多瓶碱液。
3. There's a bag of lye in your basement that's half-empty.
翻译:你的地窖里的碱液 有一半是空的。
4. Your eyeballs dissolving in a teaspoon of lye!
5. My mother is blind on account of the lye in the laundry kettles.
6. Bodies burned, water seeped through the ashes to create lye.
翻译:燃烧尸体,水冲刷灰烬 会产生碱液。
7. With a blowtorch, five pounds of lye, and some bolt cutters.
翻译:带上喷灯 5磅碱液,以及断线钳。
8. So if he's back in town, that means some sap's about to take a bath in lye.
翻译:既然他回城了 So if he's back in town, 就说明某货要泡个碱液澡了 that means some sap's about to take a bath in lye. 我一起去 I'm coming with.。
9. Unless duct tape and lye are standard issue for a Deputy U.S. Marshal.
10. They were burning their fingertips with lye.
11. Also on the skin were traces of lye.
12. Say, soak your corpse in lye until you look like minestrone, no one would know until Christmas, and i'd be saved the crucial things of disposing your body.
翻译:换个说法 要是把你的尸体浸在碱液里 直到把你泡成意大利面条汤 在圣诞节前 都没人会发现。
13. An accelerant like lye would have helped the fire destroy the body.
翻译:像碱液这样的催化剂 能够帮助火更快的烧毁人体。
14. That's what all the lye was for. Wasn't it?
翻译:这就是那些碱液的用处 对不对?。
15. All the ladies had a jar of lye they kept under the bed in case the man got rough, acted a fool.
翻译:那些女人都在床下放了一罐碱液 以防客人举止粗暴 装。