时间:2023-01-16 14:40
例句:Okay, without further ado, i'd like to reintroduce to the world Billy "The Kid" McDonnen and Henry "Razor" Sharp!
翻译:废话不多说 隆重为大家请出 "基德"比利·麦卡多恩 和 "雷泽"亨利·夏普。
例句:to maintain or reintroduce characters that we already know and care about while balancing them with new characters that we ultimately actually care about just the same.
翻译:是件很难的事情 开始维持或者重新介绍一些新角色 而我们知道该怎样平衡新 旧角色之间的关系。
例句:if we don't reintroduce it, there's no bridge project.
翻译:如果我们不继续起诉 那就不修桥。
例句:Also, to reintroduce you to lungs in general, we will use my dog Mila of Troy, the face that launched a thousand treats, as our model.
翻译:为了让你们重新熟悉肺结构, 我就用我的狗狗米拉—— 它可爱到可以骗取无数零食—— 来做模型。 。
1. if we don't reintroduce it, there's no bridge project.
翻译:如果我们不继续起诉 那就不修桥。
2. Also, to reintroduce you to lungs in general, we will use my dog Mila of Troy, the face that launched a thousand treats, as our model.
翻译:为了让你们重新熟悉肺结构, 我就用我的狗狗米拉—— 它可爱到可以骗取无数零食—— 来做模型。 。
3. So i'd like to -- i wanted to reintroduce some structure into that picture.
翻译:于是 - 让我来规范整理这张图画 。
4. She's trying to reintroduce him into society.
5. Then before we reintroduce them, we'll give him one of her sweaters so he can get used to her scent again.
翻译:然后在他俩再见面之前 Then before we reintroduce them, 我会让他嗅一嗅她的毛衣 we'll give him one of her sweaters 这样他就能重新熟悉她的味道了 so he can get used to her scent again.。
6. Well, it's there really because i want to try to introduce this word, or reintroduce this word, into the discourse.
翻译:它存在的目的是因为我想尝试 想介绍这个词, 或重新介绍这个词,在我们的语境中。 。
7. The decision to reintroduce irina Derevko to the world, and we're not consulted?
翻译:我是说 他们让伊丽娜·杜兰夫科再次 出现在世人面前 却没有和我们商量过。
8. When we get the school voucher program instituted, we'll reintroduce the idea.
翻译:在学校资助项目启动之后 我们会再次引入这个想法 When we get the school voucher program instituted, we'll reintroduce the idea.。
9. And when you do, i will read about it from a secure location and i will reintroduce myself to society at that time.
翻译:等你证明了 我会在安全的地方读到报道。
10. Yes, but this idea of using aeroplanes to reintroduce migratory flocks.
翻译:是这样。 但你们想... ...用飞机指引候鸟,实在...。
11. i've got to reintroduce myself to my body.
翻译:我再次提出了自己 我的身体。。
12. i'd like to reintroduce you to the staff of The Majestic.
13. Allow me to reintroduce myself.
14. And in an attempt to reintroduce me to sanctity, my mother told me of the miracle i was, said i could grow up to be anything i want.
翻译:在试图重回神圣, 我母亲告诉我,我是个奇迹 她说我可以成为我想成为的人。 。
15. 5 billion into conventional forces and reintroduce conscription.
翻译:5 billion into conventional forces 而且扩大 and reintroduce conscription.。