时间:2023-01-16 14:40
例句:Not a lot of foot traffic on sub-level 8, but it is patrolled, so you'll have to be quick.
翻译:地下八层很少有人去 但有人巡逻 所以你动作要快。
例句:The border's not gonna stop him. it's 3,500 miles long and barely patrolled.
翻译:国境线不可能拦住他 那有3千5百英里长,很少有巡逻。
例句:And Highway 10's too well-patrolled... so what does that leave us with then?
翻译:{\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080} {\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080}那我们得到什么结论 {\fnSegoe Print\fs14\1cH00FF00}so what does that leave us with then? {\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080}。
例句:it's heavily guarded and patrolled, but Colonel Locke tells me you guys get the job done, operating behind the lines.
翻译:有重兵把守 但洛克上校说你俩必须把这事儿搞定 那就需要深入敌后作战。
1. And Highway 10's too well-patrolled... so what does that leave us with then?
翻译:{\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080} {\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080}那我们得到什么结论 {\fnSegoe Print\fs14\1cH00FF00}so what does that leave us with then? {\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080}。
2. it's heavily guarded and patrolled, but Colonel Locke tells me you guys get the job done, operating behind the lines.
翻译:有重兵把守 但洛克上校说你俩必须把这事儿搞定 那就需要深入敌后作战。
3. The railroads they had to cross were patrolled.
4. To reach the open sea, they must cross a narrow strip of water and that is patrolled by great whites.
翻译:要到达远海 它们必须穿越一片狭窄的水域 大白鲨就在那里逡巡。
5. They patrolled the countryside and forests with rifles, killing cats and dogs.
翻译:小组持 在乡间与森林中巡逻 枪杀猫狗。
6. This is a government building, Miss Crain, patrolled by armed soldiers.
翻译:这是一栋大楼 有武装士兵巡逻。
7. it is okay, but we thought that this route was not patrolled.
翻译:不 , 没关系 , 我们只是,, 我们以为这条路径没人巡逻。
8. The steam room is occasionally patrolled. Be careful
9. Coastal waters were mined and patrolled.
翻译:沿岸水域设岗巡逻 布设水雷 上空被列为禁飞区。
10. Major, i want the perimeter patrolled to the west end of the island.
11. We're the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of over-caffeinated white people patrolled by the trigger-happy L.A.P.D.
翻译:周围全是兴奋过度的白人 只有我们俩是黑人面孔 还有四处巡逻的乱开枪的洛杉矶。
12. ...with no infrastructure the collective erected a patrolled border to contain any resurgence of chaos...
翻译:缺少基础设施的集团 建立了设布防的边境线 以防混乱再起。
13. A helicopter circled over our heads with a camera registering each and every move we made, and on the roof of the US Embassy, security officers patrolled.
翻译:一架直升机在我们头顶盘旋, 一台摄像机记录了我们每个动作, 而且在大使馆的屋顶上, 有保安人员在巡逻。 。
14. Their forests are patrolled to cut poachers' snares.
翻译:在他们栖息的丛林巡逻 捣毁偷猎者的陷阱 {\3cH202020}Their forests are patrolled to cut poachers' snares.。
15. The army and the policy of public security patrolled the streets.