时间:2023-01-14 04:10
1.He is a rather layback person. 他是一个平和的人。
2.Shoulders should be long and sloping, with a layback of 45 degrees and be firmly set. 肩胛长而倾斜,向后倾斜约45度角,且位置稳固。
3.Leverage, layback, and opposition holds work great for DC, and “lowsteps” (reverse highsteps) are also reliable as you commit to leaning out.
4.This paper describes three positioning modes of towing equipment in marine survey, the board-hanging mode, LAYBACK mode and ultra-short baseline mode. 介绍了海洋调查中测量设备拖曳体(拖鱼)的三种定位方法:舷挂式、layback方式和超短基线方式;