时间:2023-01-07 18:00
3. To give just one example, we love crunchiness, mouthfeel.
4. There, on your anterior tricuspid.
5. Sharp nails and sharp words.
6. Think about it now. That 'Scoe's Special, smothered in gravy and onions... side of red beans and rice, some greens.
7. i'd like to take you to the church.
8. And chocolate is charming to crunch
9. Makes it crunchier. You like it crunchy, don't you?
10. Crunchy! Hmm. i love the almonds.
11. For example if your dad is at the tip of a branch.
12. A sharp wooden stick, anything.
13. if we burn them, you get a little crunch.
14. ♪ Bumba dumba dum bum bum bum ♪ On our toes, right on your toes.
15. The Cocoa Krispies are for Stephane.
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