时间:2023-01-07 18:00
明火执杖用英语说"conduct an evil activities openly",还经常被译作 conduct an evil activities openly,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到22个与明火执杖相关的翻译和例句。
1. conduct an evil activities openly
明火执杖翻译为conduct an evil activities openly。
示例:Openair drinking, disorderly conduct. disorderly conduct.
2. conduct an evil activities openly
明火执杖翻译为 conduct an evil activities openly 。
示例:- There were tremendous activities and fund-raisers - There were tremendous activities and fund
译文:但是人类发明 以及其他的一些发明之前 甚至发现火之前 也有人有类似的论断吧。
3. Squatters cooking on open flames.
4. it's like holding your hand over an open flame.
5. Well, my life was shaped because someone invented gunpowder and...
6. 2.6 billion people cook on open fires -- on coal, wood and animal dung.
译文:26亿人还在使用由煤、木头或动物粪便 产生的明火做饭, 。
7. That is the day we will win this war and prove that Fire Nations don't lose.
译文:到那一天我们将会赢得这场战争 并向他们证明火的优势地位.。
8. You see craters indicating that it didn't have an atmosphere that could stop those impacts.
译文:我们看到了火山口, 这表明火星未曾有过可以阻止 这些撞击的大气层。 。
9. - 267 Main Street, for an unknown fire.
10. Well, it tells us that Mars has all the ingredients necessary for life.
11. Units respond to 267 Main Street for an unknown fire to the rear of the building.
12. Captain John Watson, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers. Sir.
13. Hey, man, if that fire hits the fuel tank, the whole plane's gonna blow...
译文:哥们 一旦明火烧及燃料箱 Hey, man, if that fire hits the fuel tank, 整架飞机都会爆炸 你得跳下来 沃特 the whole plane's gonna blow -。
14. if this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist.
15. A movie that was influential on this movie that most people wouldn't think of is Beyond the Sea where there was a lot of Bobby Darin you know, talking to himself as a kid and a lot of ghosts.