时间:2023-01-07 18:00
摆姿势的英语是" posing",在日常中也可以翻译为" posturing",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到84个与摆姿势相关的翻译和例句。
pose Choosing your battles stance ( 摆好姿势 )
pose posing framepose ( 使摆好姿势 )
1. He needs them clean for the posing.
译文:清洗是为了摆姿势 He needs them clean for the posing.。
2. Zanuck arrives in Morelia, Mexico, and i'm summoned to the bullring to do my quites and veronicas in front of him.
3. Each on the side... little heads resting on cupped hands.
译文:—你的上衣真漂亮之后你为她们摆姿势 让她们的头枕在手上。
4. Pose, like a cover girl for a magazine.
5. Who cares if Pauline doesn't pose for bikini pictures in magazines?
6. Was little Jenny posing for you just now?
7. On the train, in the kitchens, in the tents, we were joking, we were posing.
8. Groups of young could to adopt its proper tanks e until posar with the members of the crew.
译文:青年团体可以认捐他们自己的坦克 甚至和坦克乘员组一起摆姿势拍照。
9. How did she know to pose as a swim instructor?
10. Always posing for the cameras.
译文:总是霸着镜头摆姿势 Always posing for the cameras.。
11. They aren't real rockers. They're posers.
12. i saw you the other day with your little gun, striking a pose.
13. You're posing here and there, right?
14. Beyond his posings, the camera was his only present companion.
15. We pose Vera and Harry and snap away. it's quite... impressive.