上帝造物主用英语怎么说 上帝造物主英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 17:50

导读:上帝造物主用英语说"  God the Creator",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到16个与上帝造物主相关的短语翻译和用法。

上帝造物主用英语怎么说 上帝造物主英语翻译

上帝造物主用英语说"  God the Creator",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到16个与上帝造物主相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. The cradle of creation, and the wellspring of life.

上帝造物主用英语怎么说 上帝造物主英语翻译

3. But the life force once again smiled upon him.

4. So it's God + nothing = the world.

5. Glory be to the Creator Jubileus!

6. The Creator will soon return.

7. Umbra witch, receive the blessings of Jubileus.

上帝造物主用英语怎么说 上帝造物主英语翻译

8. One was the one who created us all.

9. Ah, these women! God only knows how to get around them.

10. Creator of light and fire...

11. The Creator smiles on our child.

12. And so maybe you don't believe in God.

上帝造物主用英语怎么说 上帝造物主英语翻译

13. And once i believed, that the Creator finds...

14. The Great Architect speaks to me.

15. That's how powerful God is.

