时间:2023-01-07 17:50
利奥的英语可以这样说: Leo,还可以翻译为Leo,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到28个与利奥相关的翻译和例句。
1. oreo cookie( 奥利奥;奥利奥甜点;奥利奥饼干)
2. Oreo cookies( 奥利奥;奥利奥曲奇;奥利奥饼干)
Elliott Eliot Sean Elliott Denholm Elliott ( 埃利奥特 )
1. it's a hat with the Oreo logo on it.
2. Now, that is a good thought, Ollie.
3. 2x12 - "Who You Really Are"
4. Back away, Ollie, back away.
5. This is gonna be OK, Ollie.
6. Orly Airport is a shithole!
10. Buckman's eating an Oreo up in the galley.
11. - A-U-L-Y. - Orly. O-R-L-Y.
12. 2x19 - "The Dirty Half Dozen"
13. Boys, what's going on? How you doing?
14. - Not Ollie, but Charlotte, yes.
15. They have Oreo ice cream mud pie.