时间:2023-01-07 17:50
2. i'm a barber. Customers come.
3. When i told i was marrying a hairdresser, Dad died of a heart attack.
4. Waitresses, stewardesses, hostesses.
5. Mary the whore. Mary the hairdresser.
6. You're the barber aren't you?
7. Later on, i'll marry a hairdresser.
8. Bakers and barbers. Congressmen and cattlemen.
9. He's not a barber, he's the nephew.
译文:他不是理发师 他是理发师的外甥 He's not a barber, he's the nephew.。
10. The king of the barbers The barber of kings
11. - Yeah, the guy that cut it gave me the stuff.
12. Will you marry a barber, too?
13. i used to regret being the barber.
14. What were you up to, barber?
15. - What's the score, Mr Barber?