本利安全用英语怎么说 本利安全英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 17:40

导读:本利安全的英语可以这样说:safety of income-principal,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到82个与本利安全相关的译文和例句。

本利安全用英语怎么说 本利安全英语翻译

本利安全的英语可以这样说:safety of income-principal,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到82个与本利安全相关的译文和例句。

essential security interests ( 基本安全利益 )

本利安全用英语怎么说 本利安全英语翻译

1. Yes, it's safe. it's very safe. So safe you wouldn't believe it.

2. Real security, security checks, security watch, security clearance.

3. Walk right side, safe. Walk left side, safe.

7. i'm gonna release our three-team college and pro parlays absolutely free.

译文:我们推出免费的三场大赛及职业联赛 本利连赌的比赛预测...。

本利安全用英语怎么说 本利安全英语翻译

8. Yuanshanzi is too far away.

9. How safe is a safe house if there's nothing to eat?

10. All clear. Come on, Henry.

11. Emma tried to warn me that he needed help.

12. - We still got Monday and the parlay.

本利安全用英语怎么说 本利安全英语翻译

13. Roosevelt called for physical security, economic security, social security and moral security.

译文:罗斯福称之为物理安全, 经济安全,社会安全和精神安全。 。

14. You will be safe here. Safe.

15. i'm safe because i'm iN the safe.

