时间:2023-01-07 17:40
早餐后的英语是" after breakfast",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到60个与早餐后相关的短语翻译和用法。
after breakfast today ( 今天的早餐后 )
cognair conditioners ( 早餐后前往干邑 )
a lame de central ( 早餐后到梅达公园 )
After you finish eating breakfast After eating breakfast ( 吃完早餐之后 )
1. i will wait until breakfast.
2. ♪ Well, it's just after breakfast, i'm in the road ♪
3. This is breakfast, i think.
4. My dad took us to mcdonald's the first morning they had breakfast.
5. Do sit down and have your breakfast.
6. And you won't be able to stay for breakfast.
7. "Spaceballs" - The breakfast cereal.
8. Having breakfast. Yeah, breakfast.
10. Since breakfast, i've left the scene of an accident...
11. The first thing after breakfast!
12. Yes.. the breakfast.. it's him
13. Well, where's breakfast, then?
14. You're gonna start your day off with a nice, big breakfast.
15. What happened to breakfast?