时间:2023-01-07 17:20
度日如年的英语翻译是"one day seems like a year",还网络中常译为" Day Break",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到73个与度日如年相关的释义和例句。
And everyday I feel more like a year ( 我感到度日如年 )
1. - The days'll never end without you.
2. But to me, carrying this around, it would seem like years.
3. i got by as a fry cook but the hours were long and the money was horseshit.
译文:I got by as a fry cook 在一个烧烤档当了小工。 but the hours were long and the money was horseshit. 但度日如年,加上囊中羞涩。。
4. That's a long time to go without something you love.
5. 240 days is a long time to spend trapped with your colleagues in a tin can.
6. What followed was a long day and a half for Lily.
7. i'm jumpin' out of my skin here.
8. in my age an hour counts like a whole year.
12. A year is long for someone in his condition.
13. i can't get on a plane without one. This is so cool.
译文:飞机上没她的书陪伴,我会度日如年 她的书简直是酷毙了。
14. Oh, i thought the time would never pass.
15. Sometimes it just crawled by
译文: 但我却感到度日如年 Sometimes it just crawled by 。
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