时间:2023-01-07 17:20
具有法人地位用英语说"fiduciary position",还可以翻译为personal status,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到75个与具有法人地位相关的翻译和例句。
3. fiduciary position([法] 受托人地位)
4. personal status([法] 个人地位, 个人身分)
2. With the Prime Minister's signature the agreement will take immediate effect.
3. it stands with the American constitution.
4. We've granted legal personhood to corporations.
5. - Don't do anything stupid.
6. And if they do, it's legally binding.
译文:我就不会再帮忙搞垮粉红豹 如果签了 那就具有法律效应。
7. Someone has expertise and knowledge, and knows how to do things, and we give that person status.
8. Who'll be the last lover standing.
9. She's, uh, surprisingly fast and agile.
10. Unauthorized personnel in the area.
11. Faster ems tend to have markers of high status.
12. And so returned the giant hordes.
13. Just as people's class and spending are different, there is honor in money as well.
14. And the source for Meadows' stories was highly placed? Way high.
15. it stands with the American constitution.