时间:2023-01-07 17:10
拆除暖气片的英语可以这样说:dismantlement,还可以翻译为hot air heater,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到51个与拆除暖气片相关的译文和例句。
2. one column radiator( 单柱散热器;单柱暖气片;单柱散热片)
译文:xx年 爱森斯坦在xx岁时死于心脏病发 他在暖气片上敲打超过3小时 只为唤醒他的邻居 那本来是约定的信号。
3. You could just get the kettle on, could you?
4. i think the heater just kicked in.
5. The heatingwill be fixed bytonight.
12. There's even a radiator in here.
13. There's room for a convector.
14. - Heating. There's no heating on the train.
15. See the window near to the radiator?