时间:2023-01-07 17:10
推测通常被翻译为"speculate"的意思,还可以翻译为inference -,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到78个与推测相关的释义和例句。
speculative conjectural conjectural based on guessing Inferred ( 推测的 )
extrapolation of past sales trends ( 过去趋势推测法 )
speculative execution speculatlon ( 推测执行 )
1. Estimated that quality is unlike anything seen before
2. Then makes shure they don't get it.
3. Speculations concerning the flying saucer
4. The randomness of life and all that.
5. . ..by a prominent high-street fashion magnate."
6. Well this is just my guess ...
7. You know, by then, she assumed that...
8. That's speculation, Mr. Hoover.
9. We believe that's where its core is located.
10. Yes, that is good thought.
11. You can draw your own conclusions.
12. Art, i think i got this figured out.
13. For the moment we can only make conjectures.
14. i've had to guess the dosage.
15. What? That i was angry, that i'm violent?