时间:2023-01-07 16:50
站着不动的英语可以这样说:stand still,还网络中常译为" stand still",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到89个与站着不动相关的翻译和例句。
1. The worst that would happen is that i'd just get really wet if i just stood in place.
2. Don't stand there, man. Set it up.
3. illustrious jugglers the Raspyni Brothers show off their uncanny balance, agility, coordination and willingness to sacrifice . Now, if you'll just stand completely still...
4. But we never stand still, in some days we're opening a show of sculptures and bass reliefs.
译文:但我们从不站着不动 几天后我们要举办一场雕刻和浮雕的展览。
5. Well, don't just stand there...
6. Then he'd just stand there, rooted to the spot, his heart racing.
7. Don't just stand around, Schrader. Get busy!
8. - The referee stops this bout at 2:23 of the fourth round.
9. You don't move, i don't move.
10. if i stay here and don't move, i won't provoke it.
11. You can't just stop, honey, please.
12. Sometimes, he would tell me,
13. - Stop it! Stand in ring and make so.
14. All but two, who stood motionless.
15. - Stop running immediately.
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