删润用英语怎么说 删润的英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 16:50

导读:删润的英语可以这样说:erasure coding,还网络中常译为"expurgated code",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到51个与删润相关的译文和例句。

删润用英语怎么说 删润的英语翻译

删润的英语可以这样说:erasure coding,还网络中常译为"expurgated code",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到51个与删润相关的译文和例句。

2. You can't delete anything anymore.

删润用英语怎么说 删润的英语翻译

3. in the Golden Garter Gonna wet my whistle today

4. i poured some honey for wet skin

5. - Because you dumped the whole section. - Now we've got this thing hanging out.

6. Most likely by high-ranking government officials.

7. - And then we delete the evidence. - i say we delete it right now.

删润用英语怎么说 删润的英语翻译

8. No. You... you have to e...

9. Try it again and you won't get any!

10. Why would you delete our characters?

11. Perhaps that means- No, strike that.

12. But he's a Lee like me, not a Park like you.

删润用英语怎么说 删润的英语翻译

13. Okay, okay! i'll delete the text.

14. You're not canceling it. i'm in charge of that.

15. This girl feels really good.

