许多名胜用英语怎么说 许多名胜英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 16:40

导读:许多名胜用英语翻译为"  Many famous sights",还经常被译作  Many places of,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到37个与许多名胜相关的释义和例句。

许多名胜用英语怎么说 许多名胜英语翻译

许多名胜用英语翻译为"  Many famous sights",还经常被译作  Many places of,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到37个与许多名胜相关的释义和例句。

There are many monuments ( 有许多名胜古迹 )

许多名胜用英语怎么说 许多名胜英语翻译

In China has many places ( 在中国有许多名胜古迹 )

There is many beauty spot ( 有许多风景名胜区 )

There many monuments ( 那里有许多的名胜古迹 )

1. Many of the biggest names in the street art world had moved on to gallery shows, so Thierry now started to plan the next phase of his artistic career.

译文:街头艺术界的许多名人 都开始在画廊开展览了 所以泰瑞现在开始。

许多名胜用英语怎么说 许多名胜英语翻译

2. More than armed robbers looted

3. island resorts were destroyed.

4. it's not like some of these camp sites, it's more what you might call a showplace.

5. More than a dozen of police officers were dispatched

6. There's over 200 people on that train.

许多名胜用英语怎么说 许多名胜英语翻译

7. And sightseeing is strictly prohibited although sites of historical merit may be noted.

8. There's gonna be so many famous people there.

9. My clients included many celebrities.

10. The richer, whiter and more famous, they will all fall over him

11. Oh, we know a lot of names.

许多名胜用英语怎么说 许多名胜英语翻译

12. i've heard too many names.

13. We have many designer bags.

14. Well we know a lotta names.

15. There have been many names.

