时间:2023-01-07 16:30
4. misdrawings(misdrawing\nvt.\draw的变形\draw\n[,mis'drɔ:]\nvt.\n错绘,画坏:\nThe picture was misdrawn.\n这幅画画坏了。\n拟订…有误,草拟…不当:\na misdrawn document\n草拟有误的文件\n变形:\nvt.\drew\n. misdrawn\n. misdrawing)
Look at the picture ( 看看这幅画 )
Picture this the painting shole the painting ( 这幅画 )
Description of this picture Describe this picture This painting depicts ( 描述这幅画 )
Painting this picture This painting painting draw the picture ( 画这幅画 )
Look at the diagram See this image ( 看这幅图 )
Where did you get that body from ( 你从哪里得到这幅样子 )
My frame is broken ( 这幅镜框破了 )
See this picture Look at the painting ( 看这幅画 )
2. This one... and this one... to Carinhall.
3. This canvas appeals to you?
4. And i call this one Bye-Bye.
5. The painting's called "Woman"
6. i do not understand this representation.
7. This painting's really weird.
8. The first thing is this - this stupid picture.
11. if only i wasn't like this, sorry.
12. This piece is called "Dreamscape."
13. Because, that should be upside down.
14. Let's look at this cartoon.
15. For God's sake, you've seen me paint!