时间:2023-01-07 16:30
4. i say we split up and ask around for a Leslie Summers.
5. - i would advise against that.
6. Every man's entitled to his secrets, but can i give you a piece of advice?
7. Well, that would put you both at risk. i suggest it's just O'Shea.
8. Everyone can name a person for me.
9. - What about my proposition? - What proposition?
10. Now, i'm not suggesting that everybody dye their clothes in their kitchen sink at home.
译文:我不是建议每个人都要 在厨房的水槽里染自己的衣服, 。
11. Therefore i'd like to make a suggestion. What then?
12. i didn't want a second opinion. i wanted a different opinion.
13. Now it's my turn to give you some.
14. if i can offer some advice from personal experience:
15. This is what i sugjoost. i sugjoost that we select a keck furst.