时间:2023-01-07 16:30
出版技术文档的英语是"technical writer",其次还可以说成"technical publication",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到41个与出版技术文档相关的释义和例句。
2. technical publication(技术出版物)
3. technical writer(n. 技术文档撰写人)
4. - They may not have even kept the files.
5. Those are the most revealing docs.
6. this document that's called
7. That is three gigs of text.
9. And pull anything that's got a listed cross-reference,
10. Give me the documents, Ben.
11. Look at the size of these files
12. Recover what documents? Recover what documents? Dad!
13. No, do not put that folder in there.
14. The Saunders' computer file
15. i know these documents are sensitive.
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