自动最小化用英语怎么说 自动最小化英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 16:20

导读:自动最小化的英语是"  minimize on use",其次还可以说成"minimize on use",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到51个与自动最小化相关的短语释义和例句。

自动最小化用英语怎么说 自动最小化英语翻译

自动最小化的英语是"  minimize on use",其次还可以说成"minimize on use",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到51个与自动最小化相关的短语释义和例句。

Actual Window Minimizer ( 自动最小化窗口软件 )

自动最小化用英语怎么说 自动最小化英语翻译

minimization of finite automaton ( 有限自动机最小化 )

1. And the way to test it in the laboratory is to make it minimal.

2. So this robot minimizes snap.

3. i believe in minimizing the role of the state and maximizing individual rights.

译文:我是自由主义者 我信仰最小化国家干预 最大化个体权利。

4. So let me show you some examples of what these minimum-snap trajectories look like.

译文:让我给大家看几个例子 这些最小化加加加速度轨道是什么样的 。

5. So let me show you some examples of what these minimum snap trajectories look like.

译文:让我给大家看几个例子 这些最小化加加加速度轨道是什么样的。

6. "WikiLeaks always conducts a harm minimization process."

自动最小化用英语怎么说 自动最小化英语翻译

7. And so baked into this process is a way of minimizing our own bias.

译文:所以,融入科学的探究过程, 是一种将偏见最小化的方法。 。

8. You thought you closed it, but you pressed minimize by mistake.

9. We need to take all reasonable steps to minimize collateral damage.

10. Look what he had minimized-- a massive transmission that was sent by satellite.

自动最小化用英语怎么说 自动最小化英语翻译

11. And so what the robot does, is it plans what we call a minimum-snap trajectory.

12. They automate the status quo.

13. While the president made no effort to minimise the crisis, he urged people all over the country to remain calm.

译文:总统竭尽全力使危机最小化 他呼吁全国所有的人保持冷静。

14. (Laughter) We use minimizing language.

自动最小化用英语怎么说 自动最小化英语翻译

15. if it makes you feel uncomfortable... just minimize the information that you give out.

