丛林探险用英语怎么说 丛林探险英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 16:10

导读:丛林探险的英语可以这样说:  Rayman Jungle Run,还可以翻译为jungle adventure,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到19个与丛林探险相关的释义和例句。

丛林探险用英语怎么说 丛林探险英语翻译

丛林探险的英语可以这样说:  Rayman Jungle Run,还可以翻译为jungle adventure,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到19个与丛林探险相关的释义和例句。

2. jeep safari( 吉普车越野;吉普车探险;吉普车丛林探险)

丛林探险用英语怎么说 丛林探险英语翻译

JUNGLE EXPLORER Jungle Guess ( 丛林探险家 )

Mickey & Minnie's Jungle Safari ( 米奇和米妮的丛林探险 )

1. Do you spend much time in the woods? No.

2. Deserts, jungles-- forests?

3. Science, adventure, wonder.

4. i imagine you like a medieval knight on a quest.

5. We are in the jungle, jungle, jungle, jungle, jungle...

6. Prison's a lot like the jungle.

7. Your heart beats like crazy.

8. What about your exploration?

丛林探险用英语怎么说 丛林探险英语翻译

9. it pleased me to the forest.

10. That's cool. That is cool. - Well done.

11. The expedition begins off the southern coast of Mozambique.

12. Rumble. Rumble in the Jungle,

13. i was in the jungle... but i couldn't move because it was so thick.

丛林探险用英语怎么说 丛林探险英语翻译

14. But seeing them swimming in circle after circle, over and over... Yeah.

15. He told the driver to... to-to-to take him back to Jungle Jim's.

