时间:2023-01-07 16:10
购销差价的英语翻译是" purchase and marketing price differentials",还经常被译作 [贸易] purchase and sale price differentials,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到80个与购销差价相关的释义和例句。
购销差价翻译为 [贸易] purchase and sale price differentials 。
示例:What was the original purchase price of the house? 这个房子的原购价是多少?
3. differential between purchase and sale prices
购销差价翻译为differential between purchase and sale prices。
示例:Fire sale, the prices are insane. You can have it for the usual cheap trinkets. 清仓甩卖 价格低到吓人
3. Now, i am paying you over the odds, i am paying you in advance.