与恶魔做交易用英语怎么说 与恶魔做交易英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 16:00

导读:与恶魔做交易的英语为"traffic in",在日常中也可以翻译为"principal trading",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到64个与与恶魔做交易相关的翻译和例句。

与恶魔做交易用英语怎么说 与恶魔做交易英语翻译

与恶魔做交易的英语为"traffic in",在日常中也可以翻译为"principal trading",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到64个与与恶魔做交易相关的翻译和例句。

3. You made a deal with the Devil.

与恶魔做交易用英语怎么说 与恶魔做交易英语翻译

4. Perhaps we can make an arrangement. Yes, we can.

5. i don't know, it's like the closer i get...

6. i was able to swing a deal with the night manager.

7. That other website said that some people like, make deals with demons for wealth and power.

8. So what's the deal with a deal, Nick?

与恶魔做交易用英语怎么说 与恶魔做交易英语翻译

9. it is our sacred duty to wage war against the demon horde.

10. "Demons and wonders. Winds and tides".

11. A pathetic fool who made a pact with the Devil.

12. Nobody forced them to play Let's Make a Deal.

13. One has to make a deal with the devil.

与恶魔做交易用英语怎么说 与恶魔做交易英语翻译

14. He cut a deal with the indian army...

15. Pleasure doing business with you, Oliver.

