时间:2023-01-07 15:40
贤达的英语可以这样说:prominent personage,还可以翻译为worthy,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到90个与贤达相关的短语释义和例句。
1. social elite(n. 社会贤达\n 社会精英;清代社会领导阶层或精英;一社会精英)
2. G and G(abbr. the Good and the Great 名门望族;上层决策人物;社会贤达名流;有权有势的人物[参较 good])
Sunsharer Headhunting ( 尚贤达猎头 )
Keh Hean Tat Hean Tat Keh ( 郭贤达 )
Sunsharer Headhunting ( 尚贤达猎头公司 )
1. Mr. Fan Ching-Sheng, the Minister of Education will now confer the letters of appointment.
译文:现在请教育总长,范静生先生 为新聘贤达颁发聘书。
2. i, Tuan Ch'i-jui, Premier of the Republic of China and Commander-in-Chief of the expedition force, hereby condemn Chang Hsun and his clique for forcibly dissolving the Senate, holding the President hostage and restoring monarchy.
译文:中务 讨逆军总司令段祺瑞告中外贤达 张勋等违背天心民意。
3. Now the Party can work with all delegates to build a new state,
4. Fifth, all democratic parties and organizations should immediately call for the CPPCC to discuss and elect delegates to set up a coalition government
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