时间:2023-01-07 15:40
租出通常被翻译为" lease"的意思,还经常被译作lease,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到20个与租出相关的释义和例句。
Taxi take a taxi tassi ( 出租车 车辆 )
1. i was not informed that the cottage was available for renting.
2. Actually, i might have loaned out four of them.
3. "'But it is, ' returned she... "
4. i did'nt know the villa was rented.
5. - But i'm renting it out now.
6. Well, aunt Viv rented the guest house.
7. Why did Mom rent out my room?
8. it was rent-controlled and it's gone already.
9. We finally rented our room.
10. Hey, is A006 still on the open list?
11. You can rent the workshop out.
12. - You sublet your apartment.
13. They're letting me rent it.
14. it's only fair to lend out the marbles.
15. Rent it out and that'll pay the lawyer.
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