使用这个功能用英语怎么说 使用这个功能英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 15:30

导读:使用这个功能通常被翻译为"lgnore"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"use function",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到45个与使用这个功能相关的短语翻译和用法。

使用这个功能用英语怎么说 使用这个功能英语翻译

使用这个功能通常被翻译为"lgnore"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"use function",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到45个与使用这个功能相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. it has to be a utility that you can use everywhere.

使用这个功能用英语怎么说 使用这个功能英语翻译

3. At this level, all functions appear normal.

4. PowerPoint has this built into every copy of PowerPoint that's shipped.

译文:PowerPoint都有这个功能, 出厂的时候就有。。

5. Save the sentiment for later, buddy. Michael, i will be unable

6. Now, as a cognitive scientist i know that this is because i was using a lot of something called executive function.

使用这个功能用英语怎么说 使用这个功能英语翻译

译文:作为一名认知学家,我知道 导致这个现象的原因, 是我过度使用了执行功能。 。

7. This spycar is also a submarine.

8. Physicaly disabed people will be able to operate fully synthetic bodies.

9. i was able to use that material memory to guide the recipient through the experience of the card.

10. Some of our services are currently unavailable.

使用这个功能用英语怎么说 使用这个功能英语翻译

11. "it's durable, waterproof, and has a lot of extra functions as well."

12. Hypogonadism. isn't that a great word?

13. To aid me with this effect.

14. Heart rate is normal, kidneys functioning.

15. And so i've stopped using words like "form," and i've stopped using words like "function" as a designer.

使用这个功能用英语怎么说 使用这个功能英语翻译

