冷色系用英语怎么说 冷色系的英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 15:30

导读:冷色系的英语是"cool colors",还网络中常译为"  Cool color",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到45个与冷色系相关的译文和例句。

冷色系用英语怎么说 冷色系的英语翻译

冷色系的英语是"cool colors",还网络中常译为"  Cool color",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到45个与冷色系相关的译文和例句。

2. -That's what i wanted anyway.

冷色系用英语怎么说 冷色系的英语翻译

3. The cold colors, the blue and the black, show areas where we have almost no data.

译文:冷,即蓝色和黑域 则是我们有几乎没有数据采集的区域。 。

4. Any more they'll end up going pink.

5. Teet's bloody sister says she's wearing baby pink now. Stupid cow!

译文:Teet 该死的姐姐说她现在 穿婴儿粉红色系的衣服,笨母牛!。

冷色系用英语怎么说 冷色系的英语翻译

6. Can we agree it's in the purple family?

7. Let you see it naked before you pick your palette.

8. Lanterns and all baobabs going out. And stagehands, begin the shift into pink.

译文:舞台人员 准备转到粉色系列 And stagehands,begin the shift into pink.。

9. Hayato... said something pastel colored.

冷色系用英语怎么说 冷色系的英语翻译

10. She also seems to be continuing the purple theme she's got going on this week.

11. it's, uh, yellowish, in the... it's in the yellow family.

12. That's the Green System. it all folds in half on the Green System, right between 18 and 19.

译文:(笑) 那是绿色系统。都是对半折叠 正好在18与19之间。。

13. That was my last bottle of this.

冷色系用英语怎么说 冷色系的英语翻译

14. You... repaint my condo, top to bottom, every room.

译文:你... 将重新粉刷我公寓所有的墙 全部要粉红色系列 我要一份详细的家庭背景资料和图表。

15. (Laughter) That's the Green System. it all folds in half on the Green System, right between 18 and 19.

