时间:2023-01-07 15:30
1. i mean, go to Bum-Fuck, China, if you like.
2. New radio for China's new age...
3. i agree New China needs a new song for its new outlook
4. Have you no feeling for your country?
5. Liang has won! Liang has won!
6. There's no place for them in the new China.
7. He's opening up a new restaurant in China.
8. A Chinese art critic drew this painting.
9. Outside China is now a republic, with a president.
10. Manchukuo, the Japanese bastion in North China, was still ruled by the puppet Emperor, Pu Yi.
译文:满洲国,日本在中国东北的基地 仍被傀儡皇帝溥仪所统治。
11. Nikita, meet Alex, the young recruit you tried to save from serving her own country, tried and failed.
译文:Nikita 见见Alex 你曾想阻止这位新成员 为国效力。
12. Which Chinese dynasty spanned the longest time?
13. it's one the great moments in history and this is the very place.
14. Ministers from US, UK, Germany, China and Japan came to a joint decision.
译文:、英国、德国、中国、日本 五国财长经过超过四小时的闭门会议。
15. The U.S.A., China, india, Germany and Spain... are the biggest investors in renewable energy.