时间:2023-01-07 15:20
China University Students Career Guide ( 不妨告诉他真实情况 )
1. Well let's think about what really happens.
2. Someone inserted that civilian to cover up what actually happened.
3. First, we need you to find out
4. Tell them what's going on. They're in information.
5. (Laughter) That's roughly how it happened.
6. - Merry Christmas, Cardiff.
7. Now you'll get to see what it's really like.
8. - You gonna tell him what's really going on?
9. You don't know the circumstances.
10. Okay, well... give me the right one.
11. Data traces are not the mirror of who we are.
12. Well let's think about what really happens.
13. whathappenedis behindmy whathappenedis behindmy back they split the votes with
14. it gets around. it knows what the score is.
15. Well, what does this really look like?