时间:2023-01-07 15:10
Another day has gone ( 另一天过去了 )
And now the day passes by ( 一整天都过去了 )
Another day is going by ( 又一天的过去了 )
Day after this has passed Day passed ( 一天又这样过去了 )
vergangen ist der Tag When a day is said and done ( 一天就这样过去了 )
1. Dude, i am glad that this day is over.
2. Summer has passed. it's autumn. One day in September...
3. The survey takes over a day.
4. it went right through, right through.
5. The days passed just like all the other days of every year until that morning.
译文:日子一天天过去了 就像所有其他的日子 每年 ,直到那天早上。。
6. A day passes, and another... and the third day...
7. Spring is over. it's summer now. One day in July...
8. We still got our business day's leaving.
9. The survey takes over a day.
10. That just slipped out" Don't do anything silly.
11. The shearwaters' return marks another lost day.
12. it's a clear deal and when it's over, it's over.
13. it's in the past, Andy. it's in the past.
14. Well, hey, oh, hey This will make your day
15. Not like in the good old days, eh?
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