时间:2023-01-07 15:00
每天必须早起用英语说"get up early",还可以翻译为early riser,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到55个与每天必须早起相关的翻译和例句。
2. i am really sleepy, and i have to wake up... early in the morning to go to school.
3. This way you wouldn't have to wake up so early.
4. -Tomorrow i'll get up early.
5. - (Siren wailing in distance) it is a bit better than running 5k every morning.
6. Poor dear gets up before either of us.
7. He's coming tomorrow after his riding class
8. - Yes, we have an early start.
9. You got to just get up, carry on.
译文:你只能每天早起,继续工作 You got to just get up, carry on.。
10. No you won't because i always get up earlier
11. Well, i get up early every morning to do my meditation.
12. No, tomorrow we must get up early.
13. You must take it everyday.
14. Well, i must get up early tomorrow.
15. He must be practicing every day.