时间:2023-01-07 14:50
不会有太多的英语为" there aren't many",还经常被译作 there aren't much,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到80个与不会有太多相关的译文和例句。
2. i've made too much food, so you won't have to cook.
3. You wouldn't get the Milky Way, you wouldn't get the Sun, you wouldn't get us.
译文:不会有银河系, 不会有太阳, 也不会有我们这样的人类。 。
4. There's not really much to know about me
5. - i'm not gonna have a lot for you to do. That's the truth.
6. There'll be no medals, no commendations, no promotions.
7. it's gonna be okay, sweetie. You'll see. it's gonna be okay.
8. i mean, it'll be fine, i really think it'll be fine.
9. And hopefully there won't be any mistakes
10. i don't foresee a problem.
11. it'll be empty.You'll be totally clear.
12. And lovely women shouldn't have the time to think that deeply.
13. There won't be electricity.
14. - i don't think anybody...
15. Won't make any difference.