时间:2023-01-07 14:50
1. dynamic depth(位势深度;动力深度, 动力深度)
2. planting depth(种植深度;播种深度;栽种深度)
In depth articles Article has depth ( 文章有深度 )
This sentence is so deep ( 这句话这么有深度 )
Something to add some depth Add some depth to something ( 增加一些有深度的东西 )
Depth-First-Search DFS ( 法有深度优先法 )
1. Depth 100, 105... 110... 115... 175...
2. Were these holes, uh -- i don't know -- 6 feet deep?
3. "Happiness makes up in height what it lacks in length."
4. Okay, why do you want to become a police officer? That's the big question now, is it?
5. - Give me a depth reading, Max.
6. But i've got a lot more depth to But i've got a lot more depth to me than it would appear. Me than it would appear.
7. Let me know when you get it.
8. Open the depth guide valve.
9. - Make your depth 150 feet.
10. it's not beautiful enough, it's not funny enough... it's not deep enough, it's not anything enough.
11. Well, in a pinch, i can go profound.
12. i'm an acquired taste, Martin.
13. - Take us up to periscope depth.
14. Have a lot of depth and are interesting to read about.
15. Make your depth 30 meters.