时间:2023-01-07 14:40
癫狂的英语可以这样说:gratuitously wild -,还经常被译作frantic -,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到74个与癫狂相关的翻译和例句。
1. You know what they call you? Captain Wacky.
2. i'm the girl that goes bananas. it says so on the poster.
3. See, madness, as you know... is like gravity.
译文:那一点也不难 如你所知,"癫狂"这东西... 就好比一股引力。
4. Keep seat. The fit is momentary.
5. But a discussion of Schubert and Schumann's madness left me deeply impressed.
6. Love makes us crazy, and it makes us sick.
7. There was a manic thoroughness to the campaign.
8. Based on the transcripts i found, Tito was genuinely beside himself.
9. Yeah, it was, man. That party was dope.
10. But Lewis is completely demented.
11. Your major back then, Salter, wrote "manic state."
译文:你们当时的主管Salter 说他处于"癫狂状态" Your major back then, Salter, wrote "manic state."。
12. ♪ She told me... ♪ "A bit of madeness is key"
13. Causes hallucinations, mania.
14. Their fathers were very different but both were born insane.
15. From the crevices of that soil a feverish vapour ascends like smoke and works like a magic philtre in the blood of some men producing a form of heroic madness unlike any other."
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