一条绿围巾用英语怎么说 一条绿围巾英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 14:30

导读:一条绿围巾的英语可以这样说:  a green scarf,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到97个与一条绿围巾相关的短语翻译和用法。

一条绿围巾用英语怎么说 一条绿围巾英语翻译

一条绿围巾的英语可以这样说:  a green scarf,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到97个与一条绿围巾相关的短语翻译和用法。

6. We're all on the same side, man, we're on the same side.

一条绿围巾用英语怎么说 一条绿围巾英语翻译

7. You buy the identical scarf that Christine gave you and then hide it behind a drawer.

8. i have another thing to add. if you don't turn in your resignation today,

9. One line, one line, one line.

10. At first we thought maybe it was a scarf.

11. Let's get ready to go again, please. Let's get ready to go again.

一条绿围巾用英语怎么说 一条绿围巾英语翻译

12. i'm so glad you had this dress on and not the green shawl.

13. He fiddled around under the truck.

14. You sort of get down there to the bottom and things get really dicey.

15. A snake! A snake! My mama said i didn't know how to make a kitty meow

