不要机用英语怎么说 不要机的英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 14:30


不要机用英语怎么说 不要机的英语翻译


Don't give loneliness a chance ( 不要给寂寞机会 )

不要机用英语怎么说 不要机的英语翻译

Don't touch my cell phone Do not move my phone Do not touch my phone ( 不要动我的手机 )

Please do not shutdown ( 请不要关机 )

don't miss the boat ( 不要错失良机 )

1. Buy the tube amp here but not the speakers

2. This is your area recycling service, collecting old or broken TV sets... refrigerators, washing machines, computers and other appliances.

不要机用英语怎么说 不要机的英语翻译

3. Cut! Don't move. Camera, come here.

4. - But let alone fly a TA-4.

5. Don't let anyone see the camera.

6. What... are you talking about?

7. Don't--hey. - No! - Don't touch the camera.

不要机用英语怎么说 不要机的英语翻译

8. Oh! Not the Kitten Clipper! Oh, no.

9. To get you to stop banging on that typewriter.

10. He told me, "We appeal to you not to switch off the cameras.

11. Just don't let that helicopter leave without us.

12. (continues counting) No, Husker.

不要机用英语怎么说 不要机的英语翻译

13. Don't ever touch my radio!

14. Stay with the radio. Same frequency. And don't go anywhere.

15. Easy, Crane. You're imagining things.

