时间:2023-01-07 14:30
利民的英语可以这样说: Thermalcenter,还可以翻译为favorable to the people,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到67个与利民相关的释义和例句。
Jeremy Giovanni Sargent Joe Chao ( 赵利民 )
1. We're live today in the Democratic Republic of Niberia.
2. Swallow met someone called Milton Friedman.
3. Well, it seems to me that this Hungarian presence in my life is difficult to account for, but ultimately i ascribe it to an admiration for people with a complex moral awareness, with a heritage of guilt and defeat matched by defiance and bravado.
译文:很难解释发生在我生命里的这种与匈牙利民族的神奇联系, 在经历了一系列对道德的复杂认识后, 最终我归因于对的敬仰之情, 伴随着挑衅和虚张声势,他们继承了内疚和挫折。。
4. And it's a good thing for everybody.
5. They are Jabali people, originally from Africa.
6. An unintended side effect of an altruistic goal.
7. The 8th day of the 4th month... will be the most auspicious time for your inauguration ...and for all.