时间:2023-01-07 14:30
外踝在英语中的翻译是"lateral malleolus",还网络中常译为" [解剖] malleolus lateralis",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到80个与外踝相关的翻译和例句。
external ankle height ( 外踝高 人类 )
lateral malleolar fossa ( 外踝窝 )
lateral malleolar rete ( 外踝网 解剖 )
Prominence of the medial malleolus ( 外踝尖 )
articular facet of lateral malleolus ( 外踝关节面 解剖 )
lateral malleolar branches ( 外踝支 解剖 )
lateral anterior malleolar artery ( 外踝前动脉 解剖 )
bursa subcutanea malleoli lateralis ( 外踝皮下囊 解剖 )
1. But she held him by the heel.
2. i hurt my ankle when you... when i fell.
3. Gah... are you people insane? Ow... my ankle...
4. Uh, put her in bed 3. Get an X-ray of the ankle.
5. -inside, outside, inside, outside. -inside, outside, inside, outside.
6. You told me to hold him by the heel.
7. i need to reduce this ankle dislocation.
8. i have her to thank for this sprain.
9. hey,nina,youhaveabad blister on your ankle.
10. You heard me. Surgically band-sawed at the ankle, vacuum-bagged.
11. His heel was not protected.
12. i made that ankle from scratch.
13. inside, outside, inside, outside!
14. Get blood-pressure cup or an ABi?
15. Mainlander, outsider, outcast