时间:2023-01-07 14:20
1. Mr... was it "J"...something...
2. Oh, now just one minute, mister.
3. Why, Mr Blake? Tell me why?
4. May i fix you a drink, sir?
5. - Can i take your order, sir?
6. Gentlemen, gentlemen, what are you talking about?
8. Then my advice to you is...
9. This minor emergency will pass.
10. There's no cooking whatsoever going on here. No siree.
11. You want something, mister?
12. (Butler) What name, sir? - Strutt.
13. Well, no, sirs, ain't no trouble.
14. What, Mr. Todd, what, Mr. Todd What is that sound?
15. - Good evening sir. What'll it be?